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Understanding Transportation Data

Sean Davis avatar
Written by Sean Davis
Updated over 9 months ago

Accessing the Data

The layers for the "Transportation" can be found in the "Points of Interest" group underneath the "Buxton Data". These layers are based on web-scraped and Inrix (Daypart Traffic) data.

Data Information

This layer shows airports throughout the US. Selecting a location will display the name of the airport. Selecting "more" from the info window will display the enplanement, if available. Airports include local and international airports.

This layer shows ports throughout the US. Selecting a location will display the name of the port. Ports are towns or cities with a harbor where ships load or unload.

Train Stations
This layer shows train stations throughout the US. Selecting a location will display the name of the station. Train stations includes Amtrak stations (the national railroad passenger corporation dealing with passenger railroad service that provides medium- and long-distance intercity service in the contiguous United States.

Traffic Counts

This layer shows traffic counts throughout the US by daypart. Selecting a traffic point will display the street name, heading, and counts for the road. Daypart traffic analytics quantify the number of vehicles seen on millions of road sections by the time of day. It provides traffic counts by day-part and by directional data. You can select the specific direction point and time of day. For example, select 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. to see the counts during these three hours of traffic. If you want to compare the directional traffic data you can also select just the direction of interest. Example show below.

Follow-up Reading:
Return to the Buxton Data section to continue learning about our Points of Interest layers.
Utilize the Demand Analysis Tool to help you count the Points of Interest within a geography.

Tags: Transportation, Traffic Counts, Traffic, Train Stations, Ports, Airports, Daypart Traffic, Trans

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